How was your tour?

Rate your impressions

5 important questions about the tour

Please rate the tour according to additional parameters. This will help us to provide the highest quality excursion service. Only the Guides Group team will see your answers.

Evaluate the content of the tour. How clear and structured is the material?

Rate the guide as a storyteller. How much did the guide manage to interest you in the topic?

Evaluate the knowledge of the guide. How well does the guide understand the topic of the tour?

Evaluate the tour route. How convenient is the tour itinerary?

Would you recommend the tour to your friends?

How can we improve the tour? Write a private comment for the Guides Group team

Please write a review

What is your name?

When were you on the tour?

Thousands of tourists will see your review, and it will help many to make their choice. What did you like about the tour and what didn't? What kind of people do you think the tour will suit?